
Harris County Tax Office
The Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector’s Office performs approximately 3.2 million vehicle registrations and 940,000 vehicle title transfers in Harris County each year. All Texas residents are required by state law to register and title vehicles. In addition to 16 locations, the Tax Office offers the purchase of registration stickers and the transfer of titles through the mail and offers Online Vehicle Registration. For more information on these services, please call the Tax Office at 713-274-8000.

Texas Department of Transportation
The website for TXDOT provides transportation help and information for the State of Texas. Browse the homepage for TXDOT links to topics of interest including vehicle registration, driver’s licenses, permits, manuals, forms, schedules, laws, regulations and even live traffic cameras.

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles, Lemon Law
If you purchased or leased from a licensed Texas dealer or lease company and are having repeated problems getting your new vehicle repaired, the Texas Lemon Law may be able to help you get it repurchased, replaced or repaired. Your newly used vehicle may be covered under the Lemon Law if the vehicle is still covered by the manufacturer’s original warranty (not an extended service contract), or if the problem started while under warranty and it continues to exist. Please read more about the Lemon Law through the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles.